Jump On Board for Success (JOBS)

The J.O.B.S. (Jump On Board for Success) Program is an innovative, intensive case management program for young adults ages 16-21, which promotes healthy transitions to independence using employment as the catalyst for progress.
The focus of the J.O.B.S. Program is to support young adults with finding and keeping stable, competitive, fulfilling employment, while working to overcome barriers which jeopardize successfully transitioning into adulthood. The J.O.B.S. Program operates under the belief that a positive work experience is crucial in providing the confidence, increased self-esteem, and financial security necessary to make a successful transition into adulthood and independence.
Beginning with building a trusting and therapeutic relationship with each client, J.O.B.S. Program Clinicians help young adults address all support needs from a holistic approach.
Services Provided:

  • Assessment and consultation
  • Comprehensive case management
  • Treatment planning
  • Care coordination
  • Treatment and resource referral
  • Individualized job development, placement, and advocacy
  • Assistance with housing
  • Access to community resources
  • Independent living skills training
  • Support on school-based teams
  • Promotion of self-awareness and self-determination
  • Crisis intervention